Conversation Stimulates the Artistic Attitude

I am cultivating here something which I am referring to as the artistic attitude.  In philosophy there is something called the natural attitude which refers to states of mind you have while doing every day activities (e.g. thinking about what time the bus will come, making a shopping list, ordering a pizza and so on).  It stands in distinction to a philosophical attitude which has one thinking in a philosophical way (e.g. who am I?  Why do I exist?  What is the meaning of life and so on).  The idea of the artistic attitude is something that I have been thinking about and developing and through this website and other activities actually practicing.  For a quicker reference I can say it comes back to Marcel Duchamp's readymade and John Cage's declaration that all of sound is music.  As I have stated before the logical conclusion of these two very prominent and important revelations is that life itself is an art form.  That is where performance art and conceptual art, land art and net art have lead us.  I have written about this transition in an essay titled The Exhibition is Dead which I have posted to my Linked In page.  You can access that writing at the following link: 

Jon Keppel