
This blog is a place to explore and uncover things.  I feel like art is coming back for me into the picture.  There is an energy to it.  I am just not sure yet if it is the right energy for me.  I think there is a place where art is a healthy endeavor.  I have used it in the past as a trash bin for unsettling feelings.  That is not really the way to be in my opinion, but it was for a long time a method of self-therapy however in this instance I would be sharing the work with others as things were being formulated.  Back then there was no sense of doing things for my highest good though I do think I kept pretty much to that intuitively.  These days I am conscientiously sticking to a way of being that respects life in full and keeps to the good and the right and the true in all things as much is possible.  I believe in doing things right and for the right reasons.  I believe in the power of intention and having a secure hold on what it is you want to be like in life and why.  Art used to be a place in which I could simply ask questions, but I see now that some of how and why you ask certain questions goes into the intent that you have, and that intent is what this world is about.  We make the world.  It is up to us to have good intentions and truly stand for what it is we believe in.  I don’t think art can truly be about asking questions haphazardly if it ever was.  In the question is an answer and we have to keep to right-minded questions and not let emotional unrest infiltrate that ability to facilitate truth and purity and beauty in all that we do and are.  Not all is beautiful but that should not stop us from cultivating what is beautiful within ourselves.  We have the power to make this life and world what we truly want it to be.  We have that power.  We must use it for good.  We must take that responsibility seriously and care for ourselves and each other in all ways possible.  Yes, we must laugh along the way but not about the sacredness of life.  Keep to what is true and you will see an all-pervasive is-ness bubble up in all that there is that is good and right and true because you are being who you truly are!  

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