Something new

Hi All,


I have not written in a while to the blog, and I feel like doing that now.  I am not sure what I will discuss in this particular transmission, but I feel like I should just let it flow and see where it goes.  Basically, I am just about to graduate from my master’s program in library science.  If you follow any of my content on socials or this blog or through the newsletter you know that I have been practicing life art as a library worker in addition to just living my whole life as art and also doing conventional art or what I call art for exhibition. 


I have been so focused in on the degree and working full time all as art but with less time to fuel the things that help to get the message of this work out into the world.  Things like I’ve just mentioned the blog, socials, the newsletter and also The Life Art Institute and the podcast which continues to be called art/lifeart/limitlessliving.  I think I would like to get some T-shirts made for the institute but first the truth is I have a lot of work to do on the back end of all of this to prepare the curriculum for the lessons and the structure to the How To book that I am planning on writing.  I want to be doing more formal articles and papers in the style that I have learned from grad school with references and formatting hopefully to get published in academic journals and also popular magazine including art magazine.


This is a movement.  This is even more than a movement.  It has become clear to me that what I refer to with the term life art is not simply an idea or concept but rather a fundamental quality of existence that expresses itself in varying degrees in each of us and can be worked with in a myriad of ways.  The life art I have been using the most in my life has been funneling the creative muse into an everyday existence of happiness and health working a full time job and going to school.  That as art has helped me to stick with it all.  Thinking of it as art, realizing that it is in fact art has made all the difference in my life because it gives me the hidden motivation to follow through and stay dedicated and consistent with the library work to progress and use the opportunity to grow and flourish. 


I have a little bit started to talk with more people about art in the everyday sense.  Art as it is more commonly known in my day and age which is what I call conventional art or art for exhibition but which most people just know simply as art.  I have gone into that distinction in other writings.  It is s helpful distinction when you have the realization that everything is art.  It makes it clear what might be possible in art for exhibition that might not be so good in actual lived reality.  Something that is very important that I wish to reiterate here is that the work I am doing here is a seed for more and more generations of trees which themselves will generate countless seeds and so forth.  Very important to the work that I do is setting an intention for life art, for living life as art to have an ethical factor tied into it fundamentally.  There will be people who want to throw caution to the wind and just live in a chaotic and amoral realm but that is not what I espouse with this work.  That is why for the time being during the writing of this entry I have been describing myself as a spiritual life artist.  Because I know that you can do life art and not think ethically.  I know that is possible.  But I do not espouse that.  And that is why it is so important as art becomes life art and it goes from something you simply put into an exhibition to something that you enact in the actual lived world of reality, that you do so in line with right minded values meaning just towards a simple goodness that is meant to be a beneficial presence in the world for yourself and others and creation itself.  Steering away from this is steering into ruin in my experience and my vision.  I am not here to moralize but I am here to stand up for ethics, values and principles that are healthy and wise.  Love is what guides this in brief. 


That all being said I hope to say much more about all of this and I am finding that instead of doing what one might think is good where one plans out a whole campaign and systematically unfurls it into the world through organized marketing and promotion, I am called to just do whatever I want to do within a realm of ethical enactment.  This means that I am going to just keep going and write when I need to write and write what I need to write, when I need to write it just like this blog post here.  I can imagine that also this work could be for posterity but I really do hope that somehow I can live it in my times during my lifetime and begin now to have it manifest in the world.  I am not alone with this work.  This work is life itself.  And art and life and been joined since before the two even came into being.  It’s just that I feel in the Western canon of art this is a time for the life art movement to shine and transcend the artworld altogether letting more people in and bringing more people to the world beyond the boundaries of the artworld.


Sometimes you just have to go with your inner genius.  We all have genius within us that passes through us and flows in us and as us as we become aware of it.  This too is a fundamental teaching of life art.  I have already put many videos online, lessons, teachings.  There is more to do.  I have strengthened my presentation skills and wish to enact those to make better and stronger instantiations of lessons to share online and eventually in person at gathering at places like museums, galleries and libraries.  Bookstores too. 


It is an exciting time for me. There is a super amount of energy in my life coming through I wish only to share this all with you in due time, starting with some of it right now as this blog post

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